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/ Chip 2004 December / 2004-12 CHIP.iso / Dom i biuro / Crimson Editor 3.70 / cedt370r.exe / spec / lingo.key < prev    next >
INI File  |  2003-10-09  |  16KB  |  1,495 lines

  3. # structures
  5. abort
  6. activateApplication
  7. activateWindow
  8. beginRecording
  9. beginSprite
  10. case
  11. closeWindow
  12. cuePassed
  13. deactivateApplication
  14. deactivateWindow
  15. do
  16. down
  17. down
  18. else
  19. end
  20. endRecording
  21. endSprite
  22. enterFrame
  23. evalScript
  24. exitFrame
  25. global
  26. idle
  27. if
  28. keyDown
  29. keyUp
  30. mouseDown
  31. mouseEnter
  32. mouseLeave
  33. mouseUp
  34. mouseUpOutside
  35. on
  36. otherwise
  37. prepareFrame
  38. prepareMovie
  39. property
  40. repeat
  41. resizeWindow
  42. rightMouseDown
  43. rightMouseUp
  44. runPropertyDialog
  45. savedLocal
  46. sendXML
  47. startFrame
  48. startMovie
  49. tell
  50. then
  51. to
  52. while
  53. with
  54. zoomWindow
  56. # commands
  58. add
  59. addaAt
  60. addBackdrop
  61. addCamera
  62. addChild
  63. addModifier
  64. addOverlay
  65. addProp
  66. addToWorld
  67. addVertex
  68. alert
  69. Alert
  70. append
  71. appMinimize
  72. beep
  73. breakConnection
  74. breakLoop
  75. build
  76. CABFiles
  77. call
  78. callAncestor
  79. callFrame
  80. cancelIdleLoad
  81. clearCache
  82. clearError
  83. clearFrame
  84. clearGlobals
  85. clone
  86. cloneDeep
  87. cloneModelFromCastMember
  88. cloneMotionFromCastMember
  89. close
  90. closeFile
  91. closeXlib
  92. copyToClipboard
  93. createFile
  94. cursor
  95. delay
  96. delete
  97. delete
  98. deleteAt
  99. deleteCamera
  100. deleteFrame
  101. deleteGroup
  102. deleteLight
  103. deleteModel
  104. deleteModelResource
  105. deleteMotion
  106. deleteOne
  107. deleteProp
  108. deleteShader
  109. deleteTexture
  110. deleteVertex
  111. displayOpen
  112. displaySave
  113. done
  114. duplicateFrame
  115. endTellTarget
  116. erase
  117. exit
  118. externalEvent
  119. extrude3d
  120. fadeIn
  121. fadeOut
  122. fadeTo
  123. FileOpen
  124. FileSave
  125. finishIdleLoad
  126. flushInputEvents
  127. forget
  128. generateNormals
  129. GetURL
  130. go
  131. goToFrame
  132. goToNetMovie
  133. goToNetPage
  134. halt
  135. hold
  136. identity
  137. initialize
  138. insertBackdrop
  139. insertFrame
  140. insertOverlay
  141. installMenu
  142. interpolateTo
  143. invert
  144. itemUpdate
  145. JARFiles
  146. linkAs
  147. loadFile
  148. mci
  149. move
  150. moveToBack
  151. moveToFront
  152. moveVertex
  153. moveVertexHandle
  154. moveWindow
  155. multiply
  156. netAbort
  157. newCamera
  158. newCurve
  159. newLight
  160. newMesh
  161. newModel
  162. newMotion
  163. newParser
  164. newShader
  165. newTexture
  166. normalize
  167. nothing
  168. nudge
  169. open
  170. openFile
  171. openWindow
  172. openXlib
  173. pass
  174. pasteClipboardInto
  175. pause
  176. play
  177. playFile
  178. playNext
  179. pointAt
  180. preLoadBuffer
  181. preLoadMember
  182. preLoadMovie
  183. preLoadRam
  184. preMultiply
  185. preRotate
  186. preScale
  187. preTranslate
  188. print
  189. printAsBitmap
  190. printFrom
  191. puppetPalette
  192. puppetSound
  193. puppetSprite
  194. puppetTempo
  195. puppetTransition
  196. put
  197. queue
  198. quit
  199. recordFont
  200. registerForEvent
  201. removeBackdrop
  202. removeFromWorld
  203. removeLast
  204. removeModifier
  205. removeOverlay
  206. resetWorld
  207. resolveA
  208. resolveB
  209. restart
  210. resume
  211. return
  212. revertToWorldDefaults
  213. rewind
  214. rotate
  215. run
  216. save
  217. saveMovie
  218. scrollByLine
  219. scrollByPage
  220. scrollTop
  221. sendAllSprites
  222. sendEvent
  223. sendSprite
  224. set
  225. setAlpha
  226. setAProp
  227. setAt
  228. setCollisionCallback
  229. setFilterMask
  230. setFinderInfo
  231. setFlashProperty
  232. setNetBufferLimits
  233. setNetMessageHandler
  234. setPixel
  235. setPlayList
  236. setPosition
  237. setPref
  238. setProp
  239. setScriptList
  240. settrackEnabled
  241. setVariable
  242. showGlobals
  243. showLocals
  244. showProps
  245. showXlib
  246. shutDown
  247. sort
  248. startTimer
  249. stop
  250. stop
  251. stopEvent
  252. stopMovie
  253. stopTime
  254. swing
  255. tellTarget
  256. translate
  257. unLoad
  258. unLoadMember
  259. unloadMovie
  260. unRegisterallEvents
  261. update
  262. updateFrame
  263. updateStage
  264. voiceSpeak
  265. windowOperation
  266. writeChar
  267. writeString
  268. ZIPFiles
  269. zoomBox
  271. # functions
  273. abs
  274. atan
  275. bitAnd
  276. bitNot
  277. bitOr
  278. bitXor
  279. cacheDocVerify
  280. cacheSize
  281. charToNum
  282. checkNetMessages
  283. clickLoc
  284. clickOn
  285. connectToNetServer
  286. copyPixels
  287. cos
  288. count
  289. createMask
  290. createMatte
  291. cross
  292. crossProduct
  293. debug
  294. decayMode
  295. defaultRect
  296. defaultRectMode
  297. distanceTo
  298. doneParsing
  299. dot
  300. dotProduct
  301. downLoadNetthing
  302. draw
  303. duplicate
  304. endFrame
  305. error
  306. eventPassMode
  307. exp
  308. externalParamCount
  309. externalParamName
  310. externalParamValue
  311. extractAlpha
  312. fill
  313. findEmpty
  314. findLabel
  315. findPos
  316. findPosNear
  317. float
  318. floatP
  319. framesToHms
  320. getAProp
  321. getAt
  322. getBehaviorDescription
  323. getBoneID
  324. getError
  325. getErrorstring
  326. getFinderInfo
  327. getFlashProperty
  328. getHardwareInfo
  329. getHotSpotRect
  330. GetItemPropList
  331. getLast
  332. getLatestNetID
  333. getLength
  334. getNetAddressCookie
  335. getNetErrorString
  336. getNetMessage
  337. getNetOutGoingBytes
  338. getNetText
  339. getNormalized
  340. getNthFileNameInfolder
  341. getNumberWaitingNetMessages
  342. getOne
  343. getPeerConnectionList
  344. getPixel
  345. getPlayList
  346. getPos
  347. getPosition
  348. getPref
  349. getProp
  350. getPropAt
  351. getPropertyDescriptionList
  352. getRendererServices
  353. getStreamStatus
  354. getVariable
  355. GetWidgetList
  356. GetWindowPropList
  357. getWorldTransform
  358. handler
  359. handlers
  360. hitTest
  361. hmsToFrames
  362. ilk
  363. inside
  364. integer
  365. integerP
  366. interface
  367. interpolate
  368. intersect
  369. inverse
  370. isBusy
  371. isInWorld
  372. isOkToAttach
  373. isPastCuePoint
  374. isVRMovie
  375. label
  376. list
  377. listP
  378. locToCharPos
  379. locvToLinePos
  380. log
  381. makeList
  382. makeSubList
  383. map
  384. mapMemberToStage
  385. mapStageToMember
  386. marker
  387. max
  388. min
  389. MoaErrorToString
  390. neighbor
  391. netDone
  392. netError
  393. netLastModDate
  394. netMime
  395. netPresent
  396. netStatus
  397. netTextResult
  398. new
  399. newGroup
  400. newModelResource
  401. numToChar
  402. objectP
  403. param
  404. paramCount
  405. parseString
  406. parseUrl
  407. perpendicularTo
  408. pictureP
  409. point
  410. pointInHyperlink
  411. pointOfcontact
  412. pointToChar
  413. pointToItem
  414. pointToLine
  415. pointToParagraph
  416. pointToWord
  417. postNetText
  418. power
  419. preLoadNetThing
  420. primitives
  421. proxyServer
  422. ptToHotSpotID
  423. ramNeeded
  424. random
  425. randomSeed
  426. randomVector
  427. rawNew
  428. readChar
  429. readFile
  430. readLine
  431. readToken
  432. readWord
  433. rgb
  434. rollOver
  435. sendNetMessage
  436. sin
  437. soundBusy
  438. spriteSpaceToWorldSpace
  439. sqrt
  440. stageToFlash
  441. stream
  442. string
  443. stringP
  444. symbol
  445. symbolP
  446. tabCount
  447. tan
  448. tellStreamStatus
  449. timeout
  450. union
  451. value
  452. vector
  453. voiceInitialize
  454. voicePause
  455. voiceResume
  456. voiceSet
  457. voiceSetPitch
  458. voiceSetRate
  459. voiceSetVolume
  460. voiceStop
  461. voidP
  462. waitForNetConnection
  463. windowPresent
  464. worldSpaceToSpriteSpace
  465. xtra
  467. # properties
  469.   #AbortRetryIgnore
  470.   #acceleration
  471.   #alert
  472.   #attributes
  473.   #attributeTypes
  474.   #attributeTypes,
  475.   #bitmap
  476.   #bold
  477.   #bottom
  478.   #buttons
  479.   #callback
  480.   #cancelPushButton
  481.   #canZoom
  482.   #caution
  483.   #center
  484.   #centerH
  485.   #centerV
  486.   #checkBox
  487.   #checkBox
  488.   #closeBox
  489.   #cramped
  490.   #data
  491.   #default
  492.   #defaultPushButton
  493.   #dialogUnit
  494.   #dividerH
  495.   #dividerV
  496.   #editText
  497.   #editTextLarge
  498.   #enabled
  499.   #error
  500.   #floatSliderH
  501.   #groupHBegin
  502.   #groupHEnd
  503.   #groupVBegin
  504.   #groupVEnd
  505.   #height
  506.   #height
  507.   #icon
  508.   #increment
  509.   #IntegerSliderH
  510.   #inverse
  511.   #italic
  512.   #itemChanged
  513.   #itemClicked
  514.   #itemEnteringFocus
  515.   #itemLosingFocus
  516.   #jump
  517.   #label
  518.   #labelNormal
  519.   #large
  520.   #layoutStyle
  521.   #left
  522.   #left
  523.   #locH
  524.   #lockPosition
  525.   #lockSize
  526.   #locV
  527.   #max
  528.   #maxSize
  529.   #message
  530.   #min
  531.   #minimize
  532.   #modal
  533.   #mode
  534.   #movable
  535.   #name
  536.   #none
  537.   #normal
  538.   #note
  539.   #Ok
  540.   #OkCancel
  541.   #palette
  542.   #pixel
  543.   #plain
  544.   #popupList
  545.   #popupStyle
  546.   #pushButton
  547.   #question
  548.   #radioButton
  549.   #RetryCancel
  550.   #right
  551.   #right
  552.   #sliderStyle
  553.   #stop
  554.   #textAlign
  555.   #textSize
  556.   #textStyle
  557.   #ticks
  558.   #tiny
  559.   #tip
  560.   #title
  561.   #toggleButton
  562.   #toolTips
  563.   #top
  564.   #type
  565.   #underline
  566.   #value
  567.   #valueList
  568.   #valueRange
  569.   #widgetType
  570.   #widgetTypes
  571.   #width
  572.   #width
  573.   #windowBegin
  574.   #windowClosed
  575.   #windowEnd
  576.   #windowItemList
  577.   #windowOpening
  578.   #windowPropList
  579.   #windowResized
  580.   #windowZoomed
  581.   #XPosition
  582.   #YesNo
  583.   #YesNoCancel
  584.   #YPosition
  585.     #active
  586.     #adjust
  587.     #always
  588.     #background
  589.     #bgColor
  590.     #bitmap
  591.     #blendLevel
  592.     #bold
  593.     #boolean
  594.     #boundingBox
  595.     #button
  596.     #bytesSoFar
  597.     #bytesTotal
  598.     #castlib
  599.     #center
  600.     #checkBox
  601.     #color
  602.     #colorDepth
  603.     #COMM
  604.     #comment
  605.     #condensed
  606.     #date
  607.     #day
  608.     #default
  609.     #digitalvideo
  610.     #dither
  611.     #editText
  612.     #enabled
  613.     #endTime
  614.     #error
  615.     #extended
  616.     #field
  617.     #fileFormat
  618.     #fileNotFound
  619.     #filmloop
  620.     #fixed
  621.     #Flash
  622.     #float
  623.     #format
  624.     #frame
  625.     #full
  626.     #gradient
  627.     #handle1
  628.     #handle2
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  630.     #ink
  631.     #instance
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  634.     #italic
  635.     #left
  636.     #line
  637.     #linear
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  642.     #loopEndTime
  643.     #loopStartTime
  644.     #low
  645.     #marker
  646.     #maskImage
  647.     #maskOffset
  648.     #media
  649.     #member
  650.     #memory
  651.     #month
  652.     #movie
  653.     #network
  654.     #none
  655.     #normal
  656.     #number
  657.     #object
  658.     #offline
  659.     #ole
  660.     #once
  661.     #online
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  663.     #osLanguage
  664.     #osVersion
  665.     #other
  666.     #outline
  667.     #oval
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  669.     #paletteIndex
  670.     #passAlways
  671.     #passButton
  672.     #passNever
  673.     #passNotButton
  674.     #picture
  675.     #plain
  676.     #platform
  677.     #point
  678.     #preloadTime
  679.     #productBuildVersion
  680.     #productVersion
  681.     #proplist
  682.     #pushButton
  683.     #quickTime
  684.     #radial
  685.     #radioButton
  686.     #range
  687.     #rateShift
  688.     #rect
  689.     #rgb
  690.     #richtext
  691.     #right
  692.     #roundRect
  693.     #runMode
  694.     #script
  695.     #scroll
  696.     #shadow
  697.     #shape
  698.     #shapeType
  699.     #shockMachine
  700.     #shockMachineVersion
  701.     #solid
  702.     #sound
  703.     #Sound1
  704.     #Sound2
  705.     #sprite
  706.     #startTime
  707.     #state
  708.     #string
  709.     #symbol
  710.     #TALB
  711.     #TBPM
  712.     #TCOM
  713.     #TCON
  714.     #TCOP
  715.     #TDAT
  716.     #TDLY
  717.     #TENC
  718.     #TEXT
  719.     #TFLT
  720.     #TIME
  721.     #TIT1
  722.     #TIT2
  723.     #TIT3
  724.     #TKEY
  725.     #TLAN
  726.     #TLEN
  727.     #TMED
  728.     #TOAL
  729.     #TOFN
  730.     #TOLY
  731.     #TOPE
  732.     #TORY
  733.     #TOWN
  734.     #TPE1
  735.     #TPE2
  736.     #TPE3
  737.     #TPE4
  738.     #TPOS
  739.     #TPUB
  740.     #transition
  741.     #TRCK
  742.     #TRDA
  743.     #TRSN
  744.     #TRSO
  745.     #TSIZ
  746.     #TSRC
  747.     #TSSE
  748.     #TYER
  749.     #uiLanguage
  750.     #underline
  751.     #unknown
  752.     #URL
  753.     #useFastQuads
  754.     #version
  755.     #vertex
  756.     #videoForWindows
  757.     #visited
  758.     #void
  759.     #widgetTypes
  760.     #window
  761.     #xtra
  762.     #year
  763. abbreviated
  764. actionsEnabled
  765. active3dRenderer
  766. activeCastLib
  767. activeWindow
  768. actorList
  769. alertHook
  770. alignment
  771. allowCustomCaching
  772. allowGraphicMenu
  773. allowSaveLocal
  774. allowtTransportControl
  775. allowVolumeControl
  776. allowZooming
  777. alphaThreshold
  778. ambient
  779. ambientColor
  780. ancestor
  781. angle
  782. angleBetween
  783. animationEnabled
  784. antiAlias
  785. antiAliasThreshold
  786. applicationPath
  787. attenuation
  788. attributeName
  789. attributes
  790. attributeValue
  791. auto
  792. autoBlend
  793. autoMask
  794. autoTab
  795. axisAngle
  796. back
  797. backColor
  798. backdrop
  799. backgroundColor
  800. beepOn
  801. bevelDepth
  802. bevelType
  803. bgColor
  804. bias
  805. bitmapSizes
  806. bitRate
  807. bitsPerSample
  808. blend
  809. blendConstant
  810. blendConstantList
  811. blendFactor
  812. blendFunction
  813. blendFunctionList
  814. blendRange
  815. blendSource
  816. blendSourceList
  817. blendTime
  818. bone
  819. bonesPlayer
  820. border
  821. bottom
  822. bottomCap
  823. bottomRadius
  824. bottomSpacing
  825. boundary
  826. boundingSphere
  827. boxDropShadow
  828. boxType
  829. brightness
  830. broadcastProps
  831. browserName
  832. bufferSize
  833. buttonsEnabled
  834. buttonStyle
  835. buttonType
  836. bytesStreamed
  837. camera
  838. cameraPosition
  839. cameraRotation
  840. castLib
  841. castLibNum
  842. castMemberList
  843. center
  844. centerRegPoint
  845. centerStage
  846. changeArea
  847. channelCount
  848. char
  849. characterSet
  850. charPosToLoc
  851. chars
  852. charSpacing
  853. checkBoxAccess
  854. checkBoxType
  855. checkMark
  856. child
  857. children
  858. chunkSize
  859. clearAtRender
  860. clearValue
  861. clickMode
  862. closed
  863. collision
  864. collisionData
  865. color
  866. colorBuffer
  867. colorBufferDepth
  868. colorDepth
  869. colorList
  870. colorRange
  871. colors
  872. colorSteps
  873. colorType
  874. commandDown
  876. compressed
  877. constrainH
  878. constraint
  879. constrainV
  880. controlDown
  881. controller
  882. copyrightInfo
  883. cpuHogTicks
  884. creaseAngle
  885. creases
  886. creationDate
  887. crop
  888. cuePointNames
  889. cuePointTimes
  890. currentChannel
  891. currentSpriteNum
  892. currentTime
  893. cursorSize
  894. curve
  895. date
  896. day
  897. density
  898. depth
  899. depthBufferDepth
  900. desktopRectList
  901. diffuse
  902. diffuseColor
  903. diffuseLightMap
  904. digitalVideoTimeScale
  905. digitalVideoType
  906. direction
  907. directionalColor
  908. directionalPreset
  909. directToStage
  910. disableImagingTransformation
  911. displayFace
  912. displayMode
  913. distribution
  914. dither
  915. doubleClick
  916. drag
  917. drawRect
  918. dropShadow
  919. duration
  920. editable
  921. editShortcutsEnabled
  922. elapsedTime
  923. emissive
  924. emulateMultiButtonMouse
  925. enabled
  926. enableHotSpot
  927. endAngle
  928. endColor
  929. endTime
  930. environment
  931. error
  932. exitLock
  933. face
  934. far
  935. field
  936. fieldOfView
  937. fileName
  938. fileName
  939. fillColor
  940. fillCycles
  941. fillDirection
  942. filled
  943. fillMode
  944. fillOffset
  945. fillScale
  946. firstIndent
  947. fixedLineSpace
  948. fixStageSize
  949. flashRect
  950. flashToStage
  951. flat
  952. flipH
  953. flipV
  954. floatPrecision
  955. fog
  956. font
  957. fontSize
  958. fontStyle
  959. foreColor
  960. frame
  961. frameCount
  962. frameLabel
  963. framePalette
  964. frameRate
  965. frameReady
  966. frameScript
  967. frameSound1
  968. frameSound2
  969. frameTempo
  970. frameTransition
  971. freeBlock
  972. freeBytes
  973. front
  974. frontWindow
  975. globals
  976. glossMap
  977. gradientType
  978. gravity
  979. group
  980. height
  981. heightVertices
  982. highlightPercentage
  983. highlightStrength
  984. hilite
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  988. hotSpotExitCallback
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  1375. videoForWindowsPresent
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  1382. voiceCount
  1383. voiceGet
  1384. voiceGetAll                                                            
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  1386. voiceGetRate                                                           
  1387. voiceGetVolume
  1388. voiceState
  1389. voiceWordPos
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  1411. # operators
  1413. -
  1414. &
  1415. &&
  1416. *
  1417. @
  1418. +
  1419. <
  1420. <=
  1421. <>
  1422. =
  1423. >
  1424. >=
  1425. and
  1426. before
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  1428. intersects
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  1430. not
  1431. or
  1432. starts
  1433. within
  1435. # constants
  1438. EMPTY
  1439. ENTER
  1440. FALSE
  1441. PI
  1442. QUOTE
  1443. SPACE
  1444. TAB
  1445. TRUE
  1446. VOID
  1448. # FileXtra
  1450. fx_ErrorNumber
  1451. fx_ErrorString
  1452. fx_FileCompare
  1453. fx_FileCopy
  1454. fx_FileDelete
  1455. fx_FileExists
  1456. fx_FileGetAppPath
  1457. fx_FileGetModDate
  1458. fx_FileGetSize
  1459. fx_FileGetType
  1460. fx_FileGetWriteState
  1461. fx_FileIsLink
  1462. fx_FileMove
  1463. fx_FileOpenDialog
  1464. fx_FileOpenDocument
  1465. fx_FilePrintDocument
  1466. fx_FileRecycle
  1467. fx_FileRename
  1468. fx_FileRunApp
  1469. fx_FileSaveAsDialog
  1470. fx_FileSetType
  1471. fx_FileSetWriteState
  1472. fx_FolderCopy
  1473. fx_FolderCreate
  1474. fx_FolderDelete
  1475. fx_FolderExists
  1476. fx_FolderGetSpecialPath
  1477. fx_FolderMove
  1478. fx_FolderRecycle
  1479. fx_FolderSelectDialog
  1480. fx_FolderSyncBothWays
  1481. fx_FolderSyncOneWay
  1482. fx_FolderToList
  1483. fx_GetVersion
  1484. fx_LinkCreate
  1485. fx_LinkResolve
  1486. fx_VolumeEject
  1487. fx_VolumeExists
  1488. fx_VolumeGetFreeBytes
  1489. fx_VolumeGetTotalBytes
  1490. fx_VolumeIsCDROM
  1491. fx_VolumeIsRemovable
  1492. fx_VolumesToList
  1494. # more Xtras...